Evangelist David Stockwell

Our Mission is to Proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Nations!

David is a powerful communicator of the Gospel. A dynamic preacher, harvest evangelist, and motivational speaker, David has ministered in crusades, rallies, churches, schools, universities, prisons, sports arenas, and a variety of venues across America and in many nations overseas.  As a gifted evangelist since the moment he received Christ at 17 years old, David has reached millions of people around the world with a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our DSEA mission teams are focused on the clear preaching of the Gospel message.  Jesus asked us to pray that He would send more laborers into His harvest!  We are saying, "Here am I, Lord! Send Me!" ~ Isaiah 6:8

"But when He (Jesus) saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'” ~ Matthew 9:36-38

A Special Message from David

A Message of Hope from David Stockwell

2024 Missions - Malawi, Philippines, Kenya, Uganda, & Europe

The DSEA mission team has been hard at work this year, ministering the Gospel in several countries to many thousands of people, who heard and responded to the Good News of Christ.  Mission reports are forthcoming!  Pray with us that God will continue to work in the hearts and lives of those who opened their hearts to receive Christ as Lord and Savior!

Photo Galleries ~ 
DSEA International Missions, NEST Team Ministry & Food Outreach Projects 

View our DSEA International Missions, NEST Team Ministry, and Food Outreach Projects Photo Albums hosted on Google Photos, showing our American and International teams in action!

DSEA Int'l Missions Photos

NEST Team  Ministry Photos

NEST Team Food Outreach Photos

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More about DSEA

Reaching Youth

Through his David Stockwell Speaks Out school programs, David reaches many thousands of students with the Good News of Christ on each international mission.  David's program 

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Mission Projects

The DSEA team travels internationally and hosts between 3-6 special mission projects for the American team per year.  Recent missions were in The Philippines, South Africa, Kenya, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

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A New Generation

Through our NEST (National Evangelist Support Team) program, David trains men and women who are gifted and called into evangelism, and helps equip them for full-time ministry by providing practical training in field evangelism.

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Community Outreach

DSEA CityCelebrations are community-wide evangelistic events geared toward reaching people of all ages, from all walks of life, who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, with special music and guest artists, testimonies, and nightly preaching of the Gospel.

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Leadership Training

DSEA hosts local pastors, evangelists and Christian workers for our one-to-three day Victorious Life Evangelism Training Conferences. David and other team members provide in-depth teaching on a variety of subjects such as A Passion For Souls, Brokenness, The Work of the Evangelist, Victorious Life in the Battle: Spiritual WarfareHow to Share The Gospel and much more.

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Bible Distribution

As DSEA teams travel from place to place, we do our best to put a Bible, New Testament, or salvation tract into the hands of every person who attends our events. Partnering with local Gideons in many places, we have been able to help distribute hundreds of thousands of Gideon New Testaments in a variety of languages to students attending our school programs. 

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Our Staff

David Stockwell, President
Amy Stockwell, Vice-President
Troy McMahon, Secretary-Treasurer
Margaret Pendergrast, Executive Assistant
Sean Stockwell, Staff Evangelist
Steven Stockwell, Staff Evangelist

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Donate Now

David Stockwell Evangelistic Association is a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation.  We realize that God is our Provider, and also that He provides abundantly through His church, the Body of Christ, to support the work of missionaries and those in full-time vocational evangelism and ministry.  All donations to DSEA are tax-deductible.

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David Stockwell Evangelistic Association

PO Box G
Katy, TX 77492, US

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